Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Glasgow (South) was so committed to getting God's Word into the lives young men that every month (for a period spanning three decades) it produced it own monthly Bible Notes - The 'Daily Reading Notes'. Over the years many of the leaders and others contributed comments to go with the daily Bible readings. It was Tommy MacKay who initiated them and who sat up in the wee hours of the last day of each month typing them up on Banda stencils.
For those who received them (they were personally hand delivered!), the great excitment was reading the 'Front Pages'. For in the opening pages was to be found the catalogue of chaos that was Tam's existence. Stories about budgies, Trans-Ams, Tunnock's Teacakes, plastic polar bears, and the Giffnock Constabulary were eagerly awaited each month. Over the years most of the Bible must have been covered - and each month Mars Bar tokens were on offer for doing the 'Memory Verses' (word perfect, of course).
What a brilliant way to get boys interested in the greatest Book ever written.

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