Forget your new fangled PowerPraise and remember instead the great hymns and choruses that were lustily bellowed out every Sunday long before Football teams had coined the phrase 'fog-horn chorus'.
Can you still remember the tunes to:
Soldier, soldier fighting
All hail the power of Jesus' Name
The God of Abraham praise
One day when heaven was filled with His praises
Tell me the old, old story
Dare to be a Daniel
Low in the grave He lay
Can it be true?
If any man will follow
Yesterday, today, forever
The best book to read is the Bible
Build on the Rock
I'm feeding on the Living Bread
No never alone
And very occasionally the 'Crusader Chorus'...
The Lord hath need of me / His soldier I will be / He gave Himself my life to win / And so I mean to follow Him / And Serve Him faithfully. / So although the fight be fierce and long / I'll carry on, He makes me strong / And then one day His face I'll see / And oh the joy when He says to me / 'Well done', my brave Crusader.
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